Mentors set to provide challenge and inspiration in equal measure as Proud to Be a Chef returns for 2023
With applications now open once again for Proud to Be a Chef, Australia’s leading foodservice mentoring program is set to continue its enviable track record of providing a once in a lifetime culinary opportunity for 32 finalists chosen from apprentice chefs across the length and breadth of the nation.
“Over four jam-packed days next February, our finalists will undertake an all-expenses paid experiential journey, from masterclasses and skills workshops to dining at prominent restaurants,” says Proud to Be a Chef’s resident mentor, Melbourne chef and restaurateur Mark Normoyle of Anchor Food Professionals, which runs the program.
Proud to Be a chef also provides invaluable networking opportunities with industry leaders, peers and the program’s guest mentors – and for the first time will include a farm and factory visit to Victoria’s Gippsland region, part of Australia’s dairy heartland.
PROUD TO BE A CHEF Resident Mentor
“It’s important to emphasise that Proud to Be a Chef takes a highly inclusive approach to determining our finalists.”
“I say every year that Proud to be a Chef is a program without peer in our industry, which makes it a must-do for all apprentices who are ready to challenge themselves to take the next step on their culinary journey,” Mark affirms.
“We’ve had outstanding finalists who’ve gone on to become culinary leaders, and some of them have returned as mentors to share their experiences and insights with the next generation of finalists.
“It’s important to emphasise that Proud to Be a Chef takes a highly inclusive approach to determining our finalists,” Mark adds. “Each year our judging panel works hard to identify those apprentices from among our entrants who are the most committed, enthusiastic and genuine.
“You don’t need to come from a fine dining background – we’ve had finalists drawn from across the spectrum of the industry, including as far afield as small pubs way out in rural areas. The most important thing is to be willing and eager to learn, and committed to building both your professional and life skills for your future career.”
Mark is currently working with the Proud to Be a Chef guest mentors to develop a program of events for 2023 that will provide challenge and inspiration in equal measure.
An opportunity you can’t get anywhere else
Pastry Mentor
Kay-Lene Tan
Pastry mentor Kay-Lene Tan, Head Chef at Tonka, will be drawing upon her expertise in plated desserts and flavour pairings. “There are lots of opportunities for pastry chefs, but being a restaurant pastry chef is quite a specialised role, so I’d like to showcase what’s involved for those who might be considering going into that area,” she says. “There’s also a detailed thought process which goes into plating a dessert and I’ll be taking our finalists through that.”
“I’m all about identifying what you really want to do and then embracing it.”
Kay-Lene is very excited to be joining Proud to Be a Chef as a mentor. “I’ve heard a lot about the program over the past three or four years, it’s very popular with apprentices throughout the industry. I think it’s extremely important in that it provides an opportunity that you really can’t get anywhere else.”
She also hopes to be able to inspire the 2023 finalists through the personal example of her own culinary journey. “I’m a career changer – I wasn’t originally in foodservice, I’d studied communications and was a documentary filmmaker. But I had a self-diagnosed quarter-life crisis at 25 years of age and realised I needed to follow my passion, which was food. So I took a leap of faith and enrolled in trade school to become a patissier.
“Consequently, I’m all about identifying what you really want to do and then embracing it. If you love what you do, you never work a day in your life. I think you need to be tenacious, stay humble and stay curious to succeed in this industry, and if I can impart that to our finalists, I think it may really help them for the future.”
In foodservice it’s important to think far ahead
Savoury mentor Daniel Giraldo, Group Head Chef at Maha, draws upon a truly international background – he was born in Columbia, grew up in the US then lived in the Caribbean for six years before coming to Australia. “My experiences growing up really opened my eyes to the food world, and that’s what I’d like to share with our finalists – just where cooking can take you.
“I’ve worked so many places – I’ve made dinners for governments in Indonesia, Brazil and Europe, I’ve worked with a wide range of cuisines from South American to French Classical and over the last ten years I’ve been working with Shane Delia at Maha, we’ve done our own interpretation of Middle Eastern cuisine and we keep pushing the boundaries every single day!”
“You want to be focusing on longevity, loyalty and hard work – those values are pivotal to future success.”
Daniel first became familiar with Proud to Be a Chef when Maha hosted the finalists and mentors for dining experiences over several years. “Over the years I’ve met the organisers and consequently I was invited on board as mentor,” he tells us. “I think being a mentor is very responsible position – there is a lot to impart to our finalists, not just foundations of cooking but broader life skills and business acumen.
“Obviously the food is important, but so is building discipline and resilience, and learning to keep your eyes open to future opportunities. In foodservice it’s important to think far ahead – if you can think some years ahead, it’s going to be very beneficial to you, because there are a lot of people who can’t visualise more than six months! You want to be focusing on longevity, loyalty and hard work – those values are pivotal to future success.”
Applications for Proud to Be a Chef 2023 are open until 31 October. For more information about this year’s program and to apply visit