IHHC announces 2022 State Award for Excellence winners

Each year the IHHC recognises the good work done by individuals and teams across our industry and publicly acknowledges them through our Awards for Excellence.

The Awards are run at both a state and national level, with the state winners competing against each other to win the national title for each of our award categories.  

We are pleased to be able to present you our 2022 State Winners (with the exception of WA Branch, whose winners will be announced early next month).

Our 2022 National winners, along with the recipient of this year’s Rosemary Anne Pirie OAM Award – the highest honour the IHHC can bestow – will be announced during a lavish Dinner Presentation on the final night of this year’s IHHC National Conference, which is being held at Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre from 28 to 30 November. If you haven’t had made plans to attend, there’s still time to book – but be quick! Full conference registrations start from $560, with day registration also available for $280.


We want to showcase that our industry is full of dedicated workers who want to make a difference to patients’ and residents’ lives

As always, we extend our congratulations to our winners, and our thanks to all those who took the time and trouble to send in nominations.

At the 2021 IHHC National Awards ceremony we highlighted the fact that over the past two years since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, anyone who works in support services in health and aged care has gone over and above – because we love our jobs and we want to make a difference.

One of the reasons I am so passionate about the IHHC Excellence Awards is that they were set up to publicly acknowledge our people for going that extra mile in their everyday work. We want to showcase that our industry is full of dedicated workers who want to make a difference to patients’ and residents’ lives. They deserve the biggest thank you anyone can ever give. 

We are currently working on finalising the National Award winners and I cannot wait to announce them at the IHHC Conference Dinner on Wednesday 30 November 2022. I hope to catch up with many of you there.

IHHC Vice President