Putting mental health top of the bill: The Burnt Chef Project at Foodservice Australia

by Dayan Hartill-Law, Chief Ambassador - The Burnt Chef Project

The Burnt Chef Project’s second - but first official - Australian trade show outing was nothing short of spectacular. With record numbers flooding through the doors of the final Foodservice Australia in its current iteration, we had a captivated audience. We brought the heat - announcing the groundbreaking news that we are launching a free Employee Assistance Program (EAP) to every single hospitality worker on the planet alongside over 30 free to access mental health and educational modules accessible via The Burnt Chef Academy, we had plenty to discuss.

As the crowd poured in, our mascot “Sheila” (a three metre inflatable elephant!) stood tall, heralding our arrival. Chefs, restaurant owners, food distributors, IT professionals and every other conceivable role in the hospitality industry stopped by, each curious to ask, “What do you do?”

“20 per cent of the nine daily suicides in Australia are attributed to the hospitality industry”

We shared staggering statistics: 84 per cent of hospitality workers suffer from some form of mental health condition during their careers; 20 per cent of the nine daily suicides in Australia are attributed to the hospitality industry; and mental health conditions cost Australian workforces a staggering $18 billion per year. But we did not just share stats; we raised to the emblem on our shirts and declared our commitment to action. Because The Burnt Chef Project doesn't just talk, it’s got the tools to drive impact.

Hundreds of industry professionals proudly donned our wristbands, snapped selfies with Sheila, and acknowledged the proverbial elephant in the room. Engagement was high, with many sharing their own stories of inner and outer turmoil. We found ourselves amid a community eager to advocate for change. Conversations with young chefs and apprentices were particularly poignant, as we equipped them with tools to become the changemakers the industry desperately needs.

Of course, not everyone was on board. We faced the inevitable “just feel better” and “just push on” comments, met swiftly with education on the realities of depression. One interaction stands out: a young chef in New York shared her harrowing experience of working at a prestigious restaurant. Her brother, distressed, had asked if we could reach out. She recounted the verbal and physical abuse she endured, followed by gaslighting. This story underscored the urgent need for change. The industry is not going soft; it is evolving to understand that no one should endure violence and abuse for minimum wage.

We are here to shake things up, to tell the unvarnished truth, and to make damn sure that everyone in this tough-as-nails industry knows they are not alone. Change is coming, and it is about damn time.

Supporting tomorrow’s talent today!

We’ve recently partnered with the Nestlé Golden Chef’s Hat Award to support the teams in this year’s competition. The Burnt Chef Project is fully committed to the future of the hospitality industry and a huge part of what we do is supporting and nurturing the next generation of talent coming up through the ranks. We want to ensure they are equipped with the tools and resources to support their own mental health but also to protect the wider industry they will be driving in years to come. Our Ambassador team will be visiting the competitors across Australia and New Zealand to support them in their journey and give them tips to manage their own mental health and personal resilience in a competitive environment and beyond.

“When I began this journey with The Burnt Chef Project, my number one goal was to educate and train the young chefs (the leaders of tomorrow) in mental health awareness. These youngsters are more switched on to mental health and its cause and effect than I was at their age. These young chefs are my inspiration”

— Alan Tompkins, Chief Ambassador”

The Burnt Chef Project Global EAP

The hospitality industry has always been a high pressure environment, but the challenges faced by those working in it have intensified over recent years.

In response to the urgent need for mental health support within our community, The Burnt Chef Project has launched a groundbreaking initiative: a global free to access multilingual 24/7 advice and therapy service available to all hospitality professionals. This service, the first of its kind, was made possible by The Burnt Chef Project funding the initial set of licenses. 

It is not just beneficial but essential for the wellbeing and lives of those in the foodservice sector.

We greatly need your help

The Burnt Chef Project's Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a beacon of hope for countless individuals who face immense stress and mental health challenges daily. A contribution from your business can make a significant difference in the lives of those who dedicate themselves to serving others, often at the expense of their own wellbeing. By supporting this initiative you are directly contributing to a healthier, more resilient hospitality community.

We're looking for businesses to either pledge to support Australian Foodservice professionals or to purchase the EAP for their teams.

Why Your Support Matters:

- Unprecedented Demand: The rapid uptake of our service highlights a deep, unmet need within the hospitality industry. Your donation will help us meet this demand and extend our reach to even more individuals in need.

- 24/7 Access: Mental health crises don't adhere to a schedule. Our service provides round-the-clock support, ensuring that help is available whenever it is needed.

- Multilingual Support: Our global community requires a diverse approach. The multilingual aspect of our service ensures that language barriers do not prevent access to essential mental health support. 

- Free Access: Financial barriers should not stand in the way of mental health care. Your support will ensure that our services remain free for all users.

Together, we can ensure that no one in the hospitality industry has to face their mental health challenges alone. Your support is crucial in keeping this vital service available to those who need it most.

Thank you for standing with us and making a difference.

“A contribution from your business can make a significant difference in the lives of those who dedicate themselves to serving others”

If you are interested in finding out more about the ongoing work of The Burnt Chef Project, please visit https://www.theburntchefproject.com/